Thursday, January 30, 2014

Triumph after Tragedy

via Google images

If you haven’t heard of Bethany Hamilton or Soul Surfer than you’re not only missing out on a great movie and book duo but also an unforgettable story. Bethany was an avid surfer from a young age and a top competitor in her hometown in Hawaii until one tragic day. During a daily surf with her friend and her friend’s family. Bethany was attacked by a tiger shark. Bethany’s life was turned upside down from the event, she lost her left arm but was lucky to not have lost her life. Instead of quitting surfing, Bethany was determined to pursue her goals and aspirations. Despite the frustration of struggling with simple tasks such as paddling, 
Bethany proved everyone wrong
and went on to become a professional Surfer! She has since competed and excelled in numerous National and International competitions and has become an inspiration to girls all over the world. Bethany is a role model in AND out of the water, she has her own charity, Friends of Bethany to support amputees and victims of shark attacks and inspire and give hope to others through her amazing story. This girl doesn’t let anything stop her!

If you haven't already seen the movie or read the book, check them out here!!

- Jennifer

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Check this link out:

Really interesting experiment in my opinion - although I wish they would've included boys and fathers too! Self-image is not just a girl thing :)



            We’ve talked a lot about celebrities thus far and how they grace the covers of magazines with perfect skin, white teeth, and eyes that seem to glow like moonlight. It’s almost impossible to not pick up one of these things and exclaim I WANT TO LOOK LIKE THAT! So here's the thing, there are actually peopled hired and trained to make these pictures look perfect. I was in the dance industry all throughout high school and not a single headshot I had wasn’t thoroughly edited. In fact it was such a frequent process I was taught how to do it myself.
            So yes the celebrities are gorgeous, but to be honest, plenty other types of successful women, say politicians, could grace magazines with the exact same flawless appearance (its just that this isn’t the image they are paid to portray).
            Here’s an example. I found a picture of Hilary Clinton (former secretary of state) that was recently taken (keep in mind she’s in her 60s). So what did I do to the picture? Simple: airbrushed the skin, spot corrected the wrinkles on her eyes, smile line, neck, cheeks, and mouth, deepened her blue eyes, shined the pupils, sanded the teeth, whitened the smile, and finally lightened her hair so the grey blends more into the blonde. Before you know it your mom is saying OMG AT 66 I WANT TO LOOK LIKE THAT!
            So here's the conclusion, yes celebrities appear like angels on magazine, but if editors paid the same attention to working women they could look the same way. Case and point: you have to believe me when I say NO ONE actually looks that flawless. So appreciate the artwork on front cover of teeth vogue and 17 magazine, but remember, what you are seeing is artwork (not reality).
Via Google Images
Via Google Images and an Ice Ninja

Desmond ;)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Janelle Monae is everywhere. Thank goodness.

Simply put, Janelle Monae rocks. She may not be a TV regular, but she's been in so much media news recently that it would be just wrong if we didn't feature her here. You might recognize the R&B singer from her funky, unique hits "Tightrope" and "Cold War," or perhaps you've seen her face on Covergirl ads. But there's much more worth knowing about this inspiring superstar. 

Via Google Images

Here are three (of many) reasons why I love Janelle Monae: 

  1. Her music! Monae's sound, much like the singer herself, is hard to put in a box.  Her songs often jump between genres, moving from r&b to pop to psychedelic funk in the span of minutes.  She is obviously unconcerned with conforming to current music trends. And just try listening without dancing. It's scientifically impossible.
  2. Her bold style. She consistently rocks full black-and-white outfits. And her signature piece? The tuxedo
  3. Her thoughts on her role as a CoverGirl spokeswoman:
"I've been able to collaborate with CoverGirl, which was really cool because I didn't have to change who I was to become a CoverGirl. Being a CoverGirl and standing alongside people like Queen Latifah and Sofia [Vergara], I represent diversity ... I hope it says [girls] can embrace their uniqueness ... We have to be the change we want to see, and I have to let people know ... individuality is what's in. That's the cool thing."


Janelle Monae is wholly herself. Not only is she unafraid to be different, but she loves it. That's something I can get behind.

"Embrace what makes you unique, even if it makes others uncomfortable." -- J.M.


Sweet graph!...No, I'm Serious.

 Here's a cool graph of which TV shows of the 80's and 90's are most popular with "the kids these days" (hi, that's us).  Do you watch any of these? Any favorites on here? 

I'm a 90's kid, so Pokémon, Power Rangers, and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air will always hold a special place in my heart.

Via Vocativ


Monday, January 27, 2014

SNL gets down to business

Saturday night live took a huge step forward by hiring the hilarious Sasheer Zamata, who becomes the first African American woman on the show in 6 years (wow). This step in the right direction for one of the greatest comedy shows in the last 30 years exemplifies the will of feminist activists to bring equality to this historic weekly television staple. Congrats to Sasheer!

                                             via google images and the NYTimes


She's hilarious


Sunday, January 26, 2014

30 Under 30: Olivia Wilde

via google images

Forbes recently published its third annual 30 Under 30 Lists (which I really recommend you to follow!) featuring 30 young stars under 30 years of age in 15 different industries, including media, sports, tech, law and finance. On the Hollywood list is Olivia Wilde, the gorgeous actress you might know from watching The O.C. or House.

What you might not know: Olivia Wilde is also a successful social entrepreneur. She co-founded Conscious Commerce, which connects brands with international social causes. Through her company, best-selling dresses and bags helped fund schools in India and Haiti. This past year, Conscious Commerce raised $100,000 for New Light, which serves women and children in a red-light district in Kolkata, India. When it comes to social entrepreneurship, there may be many ways to be creative!!

Even with her current success, Wilde's life was not always rosy. According to an article in Daily Mail, the young actress once believed she was going to die after a divorce from an early marriage, and she felt that she was the only one going through such an experience. In retrospect, she recalls it as "a pretty juvenile mind set" and says the divorce provided her with an idea for a movie script.

Check out the 30 Under 30 Lists ( and let me know which successful young star is your favorite this year!


My Netflix Recommendation!

It's winter and I don't know about you all, but I'm certainly tempted to be a couch potato and watch Netflix on a few too many days. Thought I'd share some shows you might be interested in to help you endure those snow days I'm sure some of you will get to enjoy (tip: enjoy those while they last because snow days don't happen that often in college). Today's pick is MAKE IT OR BREAK IT!!
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Unfortunately the show is no longer on Netflix Instant Stream, but it is available on Netflix DVD (and hopefully, maybe, it'll come back to stream some day?) Just a little primer on what to expect: this show is on the lives of four teen gymnasts who aspire to make it to the Olympic Games. Throughout the show they struggle with life goals, training, friendship and sometimes boy problems.

via google images
Make It or Break It has three seasons filmed, though I've only watched the first (ashamed to admit here that I rarely finish whole seasons of anything). My favorite character so far is Emily Kmetko, who *spoilers* unfortunately dropped out for season 3. Emily was the outsider. While the other three gymnasts had trained together since childhood, Emily joined as an unwelcome addition - less trained, less elite, with a mother who frequently had no idea what she was doing. Emily is the perpetual underdog - she is not perfect, but she makes the best of herself (again only speaking on season 1 here) and that's what makes her character appealing to me. Check the show out and let me know who your favorite character is!!


Perfect Amy

I know it's been a little while since "Pitch Perfect" came out, but it stays one of my favorite musical films because of the characters. In fact there are so many interesting characters I'm not sure who I want to talk about most. But if I had to pick a favorite, it's Fat Amy hands-down. Link below to Fat Amy in "Pitch Perfect":
via google images

via google images
AND her actress Rebel Wilson is     awesome in real life:

Seems that humor might just help you kill it sometimes. Comment on who your fav character/actress/actor is from "Pitch Perfect" and I might just write another entry on them! *wink*


Friday, January 24, 2014

What We're Listening To: "Royals" by Lorde

What We're Listening To: "Royals" by Lorde

By now, you've probably heard Lorde's breakout hit "Royals," and if you're like us, you've also shamelessly belted it out at the top of your lungs. (Here's a link to the video, if you haven't heard it yet!)

But did you know this thoughtful-looking glam punk artist is only SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD??? Now that's enough to make this twenty-something re-think her life choices (maybe I should've taken voice lessons as a kid, and maybe I should invest in some hairspray because her hair is killing it). Not only does this teen star sound and look different from the average pop singers out there, her songs also cover different topics. "Royals" is all about pointing out the silliness of pop songs that are obsessed with luxury and riches--parts of life that almost no one experiences, let alone the average listener (let's be real, I haven't even seen a private jet). The chorus "And we'll never be royals (royals) / It don't run in out blood / That kind of lux just ain't for us" points out that very few of us can relate to that sort of extravagance and that that's completely okay! You don't have to be a millionaire to feel like you can relate to any lyric in "Royals," and for today that's pretty extraordinary. Not only is her music "alt pop" in genre, it's also an alternative to the "rich is cool" message in some current pop music.

Lorde also proves that if you can't find a place to belong, you can make your own and that being true to yourself is the most important thing. She does this even in the music industry, a place defined by genres and known for producing cookie-cutter stars. But you don't have to wait to be famous before you can make your own space to feel comfortable--if Lorde did this in the music biz at only sixteen (that's how old she way when her debut album came out), you can certainly do it now. Don't be afraid to wear that outfit that makes you feel super cool and comfortable. Don't be afraid to start a new club at your school if the current ones don't interest you.

Maybe we should all take a cue from Lorde, both by examining a sometimes money-obsessed culture and by fearlessly owning who we are. Not only is her music great, her message rocks too. I'll definitely be keeping Lorde on my playlist for quite a while! 

What's on your playlist right now??


What's With the Vampires?

So lately I've been wondering about the latest craze in teen television... vampires. What is it about the blood-sucking, super-natural, albino creatures of the night that makes for such popular fiction? I'm going to start with a list of recent vampire-related shows and movies and see if I can come up with a reason why we seem to love vampires.

1. Obvious but the Twilight series... This book/movie franchise seems to have launched the new vampire craze with the tale of Bella Swan's paranormal love triangle.


2. True Blood... This HBO paranormal drama follows the same general story line as Twilight. A poor, innocent human girl, Sookie, gets caught up in a world of vampires by falling in love with the tragic, tortured vampire who really just wants to cuddle. 


3. Vampire Diaries... Another television show based on a tragic love triangle, this time between high school teen Elena Gilbert and Stefan and Damon Salvatore, vampire brothers who've been feuding since the Civil War.

Here's the trend I'm seeing.

  • Each of these stories feature female leads, which we at Tune In obviously love to see. Unfortunately, these shows focus more on the tragic love triangles that these characters end up in rather than the women themselves. 
  • The female characters usually lack any sort of career ambitions, talents, or interests besides their love-lives. 
  • These women are young, usually relatable to the average teenage girl, and possess some quality that puts them in constant danger. 
  • That's where the handsome yet dangerous, brooding vampires come in to save the day. These vampire bad boys have taken over for Prince Charming in their role as saviors of pretty girls. 

It's understandable that we get caught up in a lot of these shows, believe me I've been addicted to them myself. They draw you in and then all of a sudden you have to keep watching to see what happens next. But its important to understand that women today don't need the vampire in shining armor to save us. We can save ourselves. That's why, if you are still thirsty for some vampire television, we recommend...


Buffy the Vampire Slayer... This successful television show from the '90s that featured a heroic female vampire slayer who fought evil while still rocking her black leather boots. Props. Buffy may be old but it was one of the first shows with a female main character who got to be the hero and save the day. 
Check it out on Netflix.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Dance Mom Drama (via abc news)

Dance Moms fans out there you may have heard rumors about the alleged fight between dance mom Kelly and show star Abby Lee Miller. Reports have now confirmed that these two co-stars are in a 3rd branch battle with Kelly up against the accusation of assault and harassment.

This may all seem like tabloid drama (well I guess it is) but it is important to think about these events. Reality shows are popular (and entertaining….. not gonna lie) but there are repercussions to dramatizing your life. Get in the habit of swinging your emotions around the room and you may get addicted to the rush. Now Kelly is a personal favorite of mine (with a huge fan base of both girls and even moms who watch the show) but case and point: assault (physical confrontation) is never acceptable form of conflict resolution.
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Kelly has been ordered to stay away from Abby Lee Miller while the court case is pending. THIS IS A GOOD THING (seriously judges know what's up). Number one policy after dangerous confrontation with a peer: remove yourself, tell an adult or supervisor, avoid contact with that person until further notice. Take it from an ice ninja, life is better when your chill.

Desmond :)

Emma Watson: Life after Hermione

5 Reasons we LOVE Emma Watson
  1. Emma has worked with a clothing company, People Tree that promotes fair trade.
  2.  She has attended both Brown University and Oxford University. Go Emma!!!
  3.  Emma is bold and loves to try new things (she chopped off her hair for a chic pixie cut in 2010!)
  4. She likes playing field hockey, tennis, skiing, painting, cooking, singing and dancing.
  5.   Emma asks her fans not to send her any birthday or Christmas presents, but to donate to UNICEF instead.
How could you not admire Hermione with her courage and braveness and not to mention how she held her own next to Harry and Ron! Although, Emma Watson has finished her run as Hermione we continue to be inspired by Emma. Not only is she a talented and beautiful young women but she has made her own path through Hollywood. Unlike many other child breakout stars (we all hear a bit TOO much about Lindsay Lohan and Miley Cyrus) Emma has really followed through with living a “normal life” as much as possible!

                          And these inspiring quotes definitely help us adore Emma even more: 

“I don't have perfect teeth, I'm not stick thin. I want to be the person who feels great in her body and can say that she loves it and doesn't want to change anything.”

“If I do a photo-shoot, people desperately want to change me - dye my hair blonder, pluck my eyebrows, give me a fringe. Then there's the choice of clothes. I know everyone wants a picture of me in a mini-skirt. But that's not me.”
