Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Final Post!

Sadly as my school term draws to a close (with SCARY FINALS approaching), it's time to say goodbye for now. It has been seriously fun writing blog posts for you all and I have learned SO MUCH from the experience - I hope you have too! Some final wise old words from an older girl:

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1. As many have pointed out before me, the media are really not that bad kids! There are stereotyping and bad role models, but the media are not monsters. The media world is diverse (especially with the Internet) and a lot of what you see depends on what you seek out! Which leads to my next point;

2. Try to seek out different things in the media! Go beyond the popular *teen* shows, check out news sites, watch some informative and fun documentaries, and learn about different countries, governments, and people. Don't let the media take advantage of you - take advantage of the media! I really hope you realize how much power you all have in what you see and what you learn from the media - you are in control, not anyone else!

3. Keep an open mind on what you see, whether it's in the media or in real life. You'll see a lot of things around you and on the Internet and TV: "traditional" values, "alternative" lifestyles, etc., etc. One day you will be able to find yourself, hopefully apart from any labels. Just keep an open mind. It'll protect you and help carry you far.

All the best wishes as you navigate through the rest of your teen years! Hope to see you all on some leading stages (politics, business, media or otherwise) some day soon!!


Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Well, as my term comes to a close (with a vengeance I might add--a cold spell AND finals? That's just not fair), it's time to wrap this up. I've had a really interesting and enlightening time writing for you guys. Thank you so much for reading!

Here's just a few of the things I've learned:

  • Y'all (I can say that because I'm from the South) have SO MUCH thrown at you all the time, and most of it can be pretty harmful. At the same time, I've noticed that people are starting to talk about how weird and inaccurate a lot of it can be (and not just this tiny blog group).
  • Some of the media isn't that bad! Despite what I  said above, I'm also very impressed with the progress of shows and music and movies. Of course, there will still be shows that pretend that girls are only for cooking and looking pretty, but there's a lot of good out there. Hopefully, we've helped to point some of that out for you! 
  • It's really important to go into a show with open ears/eyes and a critical mind. Some of the stuff I've seen can be pretty insidious, and it's important to become an aware audience. It's easy to get into the habit of having shows (and other forms of media too!) wash over you. (Netflix bingeing, anyone?) But I've become more attentive by writing this, as I hope you guys* have become by reading it. 

Farewell! And I really mean that--I hope all of you fare your very best in this swampy, messy media flood. 


*For me, "guys," "dudes," and even "girl" are all gender-neutral terms.

Oscar Ladies

Before I say good bye, I present to you: your presenters!

Here are just some of the exciting ladies giving out awards at this year's Oscars (via thedailybeast):

Amy Adams

Kristen Bell (don't forget to catch her in the Veronica Mars movie coming out this March!)

Anne Hathaway

Anna Kendrick

Jennifer Lawrence


Is This Goodbye?

So this is it, ya' last blog post! Blogging has been a valuable and challenging experience. Here are some things I've learned/want to share:

  • Be concise. Make every word count. A good blog post will get a strong message across in one or two paragraphs, so there's little room to ramble on and get too off topic. 
  • There are levels to this.  It's important to be an informed viewer…at least sometimes. We shouldn't always take the characters on TV and in movies at face value. It's good to spend some time thinking about what these characters stand for, what they represent, and how they are portrayed.  It's easy to simply watch and enjoy a show without giving thought to the above questions, but paying attention to the underlying themes, especially with regards to women, is important.  These shows, these characters, can have a big impact on how we view ourselves and the world around us.
  • This is going to sound so cliche, but seriously, just do you.  The media may not always show it, but we women are a dynamic group. Embrace the awesome that is you.  And take the women featured on this blog as an can lead.
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Until next time

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I have to admit, I'm a little sad to say this will be my last post... I will say that my time as a "blogger" has definitely been a learning experience. Although, some weeks were harder than others, I genuinely enjoyed the process!
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One of the main things I learned from blogging is that the media isn't always so bad after all. I think that it has been a common concern among parents (especially lately) that the media is a negative influence especially on young girls. I do agree that there are definitely some bad things out there on the Internet, however I never struggled to find a celebrity, story or public figure in the media that had an underlying sense of empowerment. I encourage you all to remember to look for the hidden inspiration and empowerment in television shows, movies and celebrities and pay attention to the media that matters!

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I hope you not only got your fix of celebrities on our blogs but I hope that you also are inspired to follow in their footsteps, be leaders, be activists, stand up for what you believe in! 


Here's Looking At You Kids

So this will be my final post for Tune In and I wanted to reflect a little bit on the experience before I go. This project presented a creative challenge for me as writer; I wanted to have a purpose or message with each post but I also wanted you guys to enjoy reading each post. Balancing my desire to connect with young readers and my goal of promoting female empowerment was the most difficult and most enjoyable part of writing for Tune In.

What I Got Out of This...
  1. I learned that even though we see many problems with women in media right now, we are also seeing encouraging trends with women leaders in modern television and movies.
  2. I'm starting to see that people really like familiar stories... damsels in distress, white knights saving the day, tragic romances, and thrilling battles between good and evil. It's important to be aware of the roles that women play in these stories... we don't always want to be the damsels in distress. 
  3. It is important that we challenge the media to keep up with the progress we are making in the real world. If we want quality in our shows and movies, we have to call out the crappy shows and movies when we see them.

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Hopefully this blog exposed you to a new perspective on women in the media, maybe it helped you form an opinion on how the media should represent women as leaders. More than that though, I hope that you enjoyed the Tune In experience as much as I did.

Thanks for reading!


Ice Ninjas Out

This blog has been a fantastic experience, but unfortunately the ice ninjas must go back to training. So before we go, lets review. Well looking at some past posts we definitely see a diversity of subjects; however, some central themes becomes clear.

1. Don't change who you are to please others (the true heroes are the ones that stay true to themselves)
Actress Emma Watson via google images

2. Anyone can thrive and anyone can lead no matter your gender, race, or class.
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

3. Maybe the best media isn't the type that makes you happy, but the media that makes you happy and capable (and that's the media you deserve)
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Desmond ;)

Who Is Behind All of This?

We're all pretty familiar with the actors and actresses of our favorite shows. But ever wonder who's on the other side of the camera? I do, so I did some research. As I was reading I noticed a curious pattern...Turns out most TV and movie writers and directors are male. But fear not!  More and more women are rising into successful writing and directing careers.  And they're making some awesome shows and movies. Just take the most recent (2013) Emmy Awards as an example:

5 of the 10 nominees for television directing were women!
Women swept the comedy and directing categories for the first time in the award show's history!

Here are three female directors (with one of their projects featured) who are rocking it in the entertainment industry:

1. Gail Mancuso - "Modern Family"

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2. Sofia Coppola - Marie Antoinette

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3. Nora Ephron - Julie & Julia

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If media production is something that interests you, DO IT! Your perspective is needed and so valuable in Hollywood and beyond.


England's 'It' Girl

Kate Middleton
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Since that sunny April day when we all watched Kate Middleton parade through the streets of London in her beautiful white wedding gown to marry Prince William, it seems the world can't take their eyes off her. While we all know Kate for her beautiful hair and perfectly put together outfits, let's not forget that Kate was named one of Time's Most Influential People for more than just her style. Like politicians and other public figures, Kate has royal duties to fufill. Kate chooses to support charities that are most special to her like BeatBullying, Starlight Children's Foundation and Teenage Cancer Trust. We should all take notes from Kate and follow in her humanitarian footsteps! Kate truly has a passion for helping children, what's your passion!?

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"I really hope I can make a difference, even in the smallest way. I am looking forward to helping as much as I can."

-Kate Middleton 


Monday, February 24, 2014

New Video of the Week!

I may be showing my age here (born in '92, hey), but sometimes there's nothing better than catching a Cosby show re-run on late night TV.  

No idea what the Cosby Show is? That's perfectly fine too.

The Cosby Show is a family sitcom starring Bill Cosby. It started airing in the mid-eighties (who says oldies can't be goodies?), and follows the lives and experiences of the Huxtable family.  Olivia, the youngest member of the family, has always been one of my favorite characters on TV.  She's a spunky kid, and endlessly entertaining. Check out the clip below! 


New Happy Endings

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Have you guys ever been watching a great movie or show and you get to the very end of the story and feel totally let down by the "happy ending"? I've seen so many movies that could have really impressed me if the writers hadn't messed up the ending by making the main characters ride off into the sunset. NEWSFLASH: NOT EVERY STORY CAN END WITH A SAPPY KISS AND HAPPILY EVER AFTER! 
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Let’s face it… the sunset is getting a little crowded with practically every movie couple of all time riding off into it. I’m sick of these same tired endings where the boy gets the girl, evil is defeated, the day is saved, and everyone has perfect hair. I’m laying out 5 new happy endings, because frankly the fairy-tale is getting old.

1.    Ambition Fulfilled…Main character pursues dream career and excels in their chosen field. Never undervalue the joy of someone’s career aspirations.

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2.    The Inception Ending… every once and a while it’s nice to not know all the details. Appreciate a movie that keeps you guessing.
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3.    Single and Proud Main character discovers that the best decision for her/him is to be single right now and learn more about her/himself. Enough couples, let’s see some independence for once!

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4.    Ride off into the Friend-zone… Sometimes the main characters discover that the soul-mate they’ve been searching for is actually their best friend. Platonically ever after!

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5.    Find the Meaning of Life… Main character gains new perspective on life and becomes a wiser and happier individual. Maybe he/she will find that traveling the world, teaching children, or curing cancer is his/her purpose in life.   

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 --- Nicole

Non-Profits and Developing Countries

So I promised to provide links to more non-profits after my post on She's the First - there is a pretty great list that is mentioned in Half the Sky, a book that focuses on women in the developing world. The list, which includes non-profits that mostly focus on aiding girls and women in developing countries, are selected by the book's authors based largely on their efficiency:

Check it out in your free time - some of these movements are great opportunities for anyone who is interested in starting to volunteer early, or even just to pay attention to. In addition, since I am using their list, I'm also going to recommend Nicholas Kristoff and Sheryl WuDunn's book Half the Sky. Simply amazing introduction to some women's lives in developing countries/disadvantaged situations. I would personally recommend as a must-read to any of my college-aged friends, but it certainly never hurts to start early!
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Since we are on the subject topic, another book that concerns some children/women/people in the developing world is Katherine Boo's Behind the Beautiful Forevers. This chronicle and Half the Sky make for two of my all-time personal favorite books. Katherine Boo chronicles life in a Mumbai slum in a style that is easy to read. While Half the Sky is extremely informative, Behind the Beautiful Forevers can literally lead you into a world which you may have been unfamiliar to. Don't miss out on these experiences! Try them out and let me know in the comment section how you like these books. Hope you enjoy :)


Woman of the Week!

The FINAL woman of the week
(Tacky drum role…)

Jennifer Lawrence!!!

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Ok first of all Hunger games=ridiculously awesome. Second of all this actress was constantly criticized about her weight and instead simply brushed off the comments like District 9 brushed off the Capital (Hunger Games Joke… Go read the book or watch the movie). Annnnyywayy what do we see? We see an accomplish actress that overcame criticism and became a success not because she became a movie star, but she stayed true to who she was.

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Desmond ;)

This Woman in History... Mary Queen of Scots

Move over Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, and all the rest of the paranormal romance dramas... there's a new leader in teen television. Or should I say an old leader. Reign on the CW takes the centuries old story of Mary Queen of Scots, and with some added dramatic flair obviously, brings it to life. Full of adventures, tragic romances, and, dangerous political games, Reign shows us that women like Mary have been leaders a lot longer than we thought. Before there was Hillary Clinton, Margaret Thatcher, Sarah Palin, and Condoleezza Rice, there were strong female rulers like Mary Queen of Scots, Elizabeth I, Catherine the Great, who changed the world of politics. If women could command nations in 1542, who knows what we can do today.

Check it out...



Aerie recently released a new campaign promoting true beauty. I feel like we've all seen and heard similar marketing from other companies, however Aerie is going a step beyond! Their advertisements no longer feature stick thin girls but instead REAL girls with no photoshop or editing. I will admit that the girls are still beautiful with great bodies, but it is definitely a step in the right direction! I hope that other companies will follow Aerie's push towards helping everyday girls feel confident in themselves. 


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Non-Profit of the Day!

I was just reading about this non-profit today ( She's the First sponsors girls' education in the developing world, aiming to create first-generation graduates and more future leaders! Thought I'd share the link here and its empowering cause (I have no affiliation with the organization and will try to share a few more links to other non-profits later on). Definitely check this out if you have the time - this and many other organizations help make positive changes happen in the world everyday.
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This Woman in the House

A little more than a week ago, my friend circles started buzzing with excitement in seeing the release of Season 2, House of Cards. Any of you readers watch the show? (Apparently President Obama follows and really enjoys the show as well!)

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Admittedly somewhat late to starting the show, I am only three episodes in (for those of you who have watched more than me, no spoilers in the comment section please!!). Yet one emerging star is catching attention in the show - Jacqueline Sharp. Sharp is running for majority whip to replace the old position of Frank Underwoord, main character of the political thriller and recently-promoted Vice President of the United States.

Keeping in mind the show is a thriller and makes political situations much more intense than in real life, Sharp has emerged as one of the most unstoppable and ruthless politicians on the scene. With military experience, she aims to surpass two Congressman who are senior to her. This junior Congresswoman is facing a tough fight, and it remains to be seen whether she will prove herself tougher than the situation (and her enemies). Check out and stay tuned to House of Cards to find out what happens (I'll be hanging in suspense right with you!)


Barbie Means Business

This June, the newest version of America's most iconic toy is hitting the shelves: Entrepreneur Barbie! This version, in keeping with the businesswoman theme, carries a smartphone while wearing a pink dress and sensible heels.

Check out the video below for more info:

It's important to remember, however, that Barbie does not accurately represent what women look like, regardless of her newest occupation. Though I applaud her latest career choice (it's great that she's breaking into the business boy's club!), Barbie has absolutely ridiculous and literally impossible body proportions. Women come in all different shapes and sizes, and, no matter what shape that is, we can all be just as entrepreneurial as Barbie. 


Saturday, February 22, 2014

Chief of Police: Making History

Today we feature Heather Fong, former chief of police in San Francisco - first woman in the position AND the first Asian-American woman to lead a major metropolitan police force. In addition, she is the second Asian American chief in the history of San Francisco Police Department.
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Heather Fong graduated from the University of San Francisco with a Bachelor of Arts, working as a police cadet and participating in Air Force ROTC while in college. Sworn in as a Police Officer in 1977 and leaving the Hall of Justice in 2009, Fong had worked through the roles of inspector, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, commander, deputy chief, assistant chief, acting chief, and finally, permanent chief.

During her tenure, Fong was known as "tough" and "reform-minded." She oversaw reforms in the police department as well as drops in violence and efforts to better relationships between police and the San Francisco community.

In August 1977, when Fong became a sworn police offer, the department was still just beginning to hire women and minorities - she faced doubts in her qualifications and commitment, along with other newcomers at the time. Though some felt resentment from veteran cops and soon quit, Fong along with some others eventually made it to distinguished careers in the department. As a pioneer, she has been and continues to be an inspiration to many.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ashley Judd: Actress turned Politician!

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If the name Ashley Judd doesn't ring a bell, you may remember her from the movie Dolphin Tale or Tooth Fairy. Not only has Ashley put her stamp on Hollywood, she has also become involved in politics and has a passion for humanitarian work. Ashley was a strong supporter of President Barack Obama during his 2008 and 2012 campaigns. 

5 Fascinating Facts about Ashley:

1. Ashley appeared in an ad for the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund to stop wolf hunting in Alaska (AKA Ashley has a passion for animals like the rest of us!)
2. Ashley seriously considered running for the United States Senate to represent Kentucky (Go Ashley!!)
3. She is a Global Ambassador for YouthAids.
4. Ashley is on the Leadership Council for the International Centre for Research on Women.
5. Not to mention, Ashley recently received a masters degree from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government!

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"I Don't Wanna Be Like Cinderella"

Ok maybe my taste is a BIT cereal, but there is NO WAY I was the only one that was obsessed with this song as a kid. And before we get started, yes I'm a boy, yes I'm a cheetah girl's fan (remember your gender doesn't restrict you from anything) Aaannyyyway this song is not only catchy (really catchy) but the lyrics are nothing short of hilariously brilliant. "I can slay my own dragon" I mean come on how can you say that isn't inspirational. Nothing against the women out there that do shoot for the Cinderella life, but I think you can find a happy medium (slaying a dragon in glass slippers would certainly be an accomplishment…)

Desmond ;)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Quotes To Live By

Here are a few of my favorite quotes...but they don't have to be yours.  What quotes do you live by? What words inspire you?

"Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who are alive." 
"You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect."


I'm Not Watching That...

I know that for a lot of people, watching the news, especially political news, can seem  like a chore. But there are programs and stories out there that can make the news an enjoyable and meaningful experience. Some people really enjoy the standard broadcast/nightly news but that's not the only way to stay informed. Shows like the Daily Show and the Colbert Report are great programs for people who don't feel like traditional news is the best fit for them. Episodes like this one can provide a new perspective on how we learn about politics. 

The news might just be worth watching after all...


Monday, February 17, 2014

The Woman of The Week (Oprah Winfrey!)

Todays woman of the week is the one and only Oprah Winfrey. Star, singer, actress, producer, and empowered woman are a handful of the may positive descriptions that encompass this role model. Oprah is not woman of the week because she has graced hundreds of magazine covers, nor for her often top tier fashion. Oprah is our woman of the week because despite being born in poverty with a corrupt household, Oprah transcended and accomplished goal after goal (leading to a top rated top show where she has connected with millions of viewers). It is important to remember Oprah is not inspirational because she was able to rise to fame from nothing. She is inspirational because despite racism, sexism, critique, Oprah stayed true to herself and followed what she believed to be the right path

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Desmond ;)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Does it pass the Test?

Does it pass the Test?
There are many ways to test whether the movies we watch are great films”
·       Do the actors convince us that they could be real characters?
·       Does the story make sense to you?
·       Do you stay awake through the whole thing? (Although honestly I’ve slept through some of the most critically acclaimed films of all time)
·       Could you watch it more than once and still enjoy it?
Well I’m going to add one more important test to your list… it’s called the Bechdel Test. Basically this test works like an ingredient label for women in movies; it helps you see if the movie you’re watching FORGETS ABOUT WOMEN. Here’s how it works…

1.     Does your film have two or more NAMED female characters?
·       If so, great! You are 1/3 of the way there. Giving characters names makes them powerful and memorable. It’s important not only to have strong women in film, but for them to get names!


2.     Do those female characters MEET and TALK to one another?
·       2/3 of the way there! You’d be shocked at how many female characters only ever interact with men. That’s just not even realistic! I don’t think I’ve ever gone a day without speaking to another woman!
3.     Finally, do those female characters talk about something OTHER THAN MEN?
·       If your movie passed, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
·       If your movie failed this test, I bet it was here at this last step. It is so important that we see women who have more things to talk about than the men in their lives. Not saying guys aren't important… just not important enough to dominate every single conversation between women.
 So the next time you’re watching a movie, just keep the Bechdel test in the back of your mind. Because we want to see memorable, powerful, and realistic women on the big screen.


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Catchy Katy--"Dark Horse"

Katy Perry's single "Dark Horse," number two on the iTunes charts, is unquestionably catchy (I've been humming the opening beat in my head for about a week now...), but besides the tune, what else is Perry's song throwing your way? By that I mean: what kind of message is "Dark Horse" sending, and is that message something you agree with? 

To help us out with this, let's watch a lyrics video:

So you probably get a sense that it's about love (happy late Valentine's Day, by the way!). But this love isn't about mutual respect and romance. It's about seduction. It's about being crazy. It's about owning another person.

Katy demands her partner to "make her" his/her "Aphrodite," who is a Greek goddess known for insane jealousy and a tendency to exact revenge. So, not a great start. She then goes on to say "once you're mine / There's no going back." Though this might seem innocent, she removes the person's ability to decide for themselves in an effort to keep in control; this is not the foundation for a healthy relationship. 

Juicy J, in his rap, calls her "a beast," compares her to the cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer, compares her to a drug, and implies if you break her heart she'll go crazy ("turn as cold as a freezer").

Not only does this sound like a very bad relationship to be in--it's based on lust, not respect, kindness, or appreciation of the other person--it's also pushing forward a negative stereotype about women in relationships (that we're all crazy and vindictive).

I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy the song (I still do!), but it's important to realize what she's saying. And that it's completely okay not to agree with her or believe the song's message. I know it's just a song, but what we watch and listen to matter if we let it shape the way we think of others. So, word to the wise: remember that loving, lasting relationships are built on mutual respect, no matter what "Dark Horse" tells us.


Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Obama Girls Dress to Impress!

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We all know about Michelle Obama's great style but what about Sasha and Malia? These girls must take tips from their mom (or does their mom takes tips from them!?) because they never fail to impress us with their great outfits and stylish dresses!                               

“They have tons of opinions,” Michelle Obama has said. “And it’s a joy to hear them think out loud about life. They’re growing into really interesting individuals.”
