Saturday, February 1, 2014

Women and Government on TV

TV doesn't just offer something to do while vegging out after school. It can also produce some pretty powerful messages about women and girls, and what exactly society expects from us--some of those messages are good and some aren't so great.

So, next time you watch TV, make sure you like what it's saying! Don't let TV tell you who you are and what you should be. Sometimes shows can be pretty sneaky about sending bad messages, so it's up to us, as careful viewers, to make sure those messages don't creep in.

Here are some great examples of TV sending empowering messages about women in politics. To the characters in the following examples, IceNinjas says, "You go girls!"

1. Scandal
Here's an amazing speech from a character played by Lisa Kudrow on ABC's Scandal. She's playing a congresswoman running for President who is fed up with the media for constantly focusing on her gender.

2. Parks and Recreation
The character of Leslie Knope, played by SNL's Amy Poehler, is shining example of a strong woman. She's passionate, kind, and doesn't back down when she believes in something. Here she is calling out her town's lack of female representation. 



Later in the show, Leslie runs for a city council position and wins, proving that there is nothing stopping women from actively participating in government.

Sometimes TV isn't too kind when it comes to powerful women. These shows, though, definitely welcome strong ladies, and tell their female audience "Yes we can!"


Do any shows you watch show women in government? Let us know in the comments!

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