Thursday, January 30, 2014

Triumph after Tragedy

via Google images

If you haven’t heard of Bethany Hamilton or Soul Surfer than you’re not only missing out on a great movie and book duo but also an unforgettable story. Bethany was an avid surfer from a young age and a top competitor in her hometown in Hawaii until one tragic day. During a daily surf with her friend and her friend’s family. Bethany was attacked by a tiger shark. Bethany’s life was turned upside down from the event, she lost her left arm but was lucky to not have lost her life. Instead of quitting surfing, Bethany was determined to pursue her goals and aspirations. Despite the frustration of struggling with simple tasks such as paddling, 
Bethany proved everyone wrong
and went on to become a professional Surfer! She has since competed and excelled in numerous National and International competitions and has become an inspiration to girls all over the world. Bethany is a role model in AND out of the water, she has her own charity, Friends of Bethany to support amputees and victims of shark attacks and inspire and give hope to others through her amazing story. This girl doesn’t let anything stop her!

If you haven't already seen the movie or read the book, check them out here!!

- Jennifer

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