Friday, January 24, 2014

What We're Listening To: "Royals" by Lorde

What We're Listening To: "Royals" by Lorde

By now, you've probably heard Lorde's breakout hit "Royals," and if you're like us, you've also shamelessly belted it out at the top of your lungs. (Here's a link to the video, if you haven't heard it yet!)

But did you know this thoughtful-looking glam punk artist is only SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD??? Now that's enough to make this twenty-something re-think her life choices (maybe I should've taken voice lessons as a kid, and maybe I should invest in some hairspray because her hair is killing it). Not only does this teen star sound and look different from the average pop singers out there, her songs also cover different topics. "Royals" is all about pointing out the silliness of pop songs that are obsessed with luxury and riches--parts of life that almost no one experiences, let alone the average listener (let's be real, I haven't even seen a private jet). The chorus "And we'll never be royals (royals) / It don't run in out blood / That kind of lux just ain't for us" points out that very few of us can relate to that sort of extravagance and that that's completely okay! You don't have to be a millionaire to feel like you can relate to any lyric in "Royals," and for today that's pretty extraordinary. Not only is her music "alt pop" in genre, it's also an alternative to the "rich is cool" message in some current pop music.

Lorde also proves that if you can't find a place to belong, you can make your own and that being true to yourself is the most important thing. She does this even in the music industry, a place defined by genres and known for producing cookie-cutter stars. But you don't have to wait to be famous before you can make your own space to feel comfortable--if Lorde did this in the music biz at only sixteen (that's how old she way when her debut album came out), you can certainly do it now. Don't be afraid to wear that outfit that makes you feel super cool and comfortable. Don't be afraid to start a new club at your school if the current ones don't interest you.

Maybe we should all take a cue from Lorde, both by examining a sometimes money-obsessed culture and by fearlessly owning who we are. Not only is her music great, her message rocks too. I'll definitely be keeping Lorde on my playlist for quite a while! 

What's on your playlist right now??


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